


Becoming a medical assistant means joining a growing 和 necessary field in healthcare. Medical assistants carry out many of 的 daily tasks in a healthcare organization. 他们的 责任 包括各种各样的任务,例如:

  • 记录患者病史和个人信息
  • 安排病人预约
  • 处理保险付款
  • Measuring vital assigns such as taking blood pressure, pulse 和 respiration
  • 并确保病人在预约过程中感到舒适

医疗辅助不仅是一项重要的职业,也是最重要的职业之一 增长最快的医疗保健职业. 根据 劳工统计局(BLS)在美国,医疗助理的就业预计会增加 14% 之间的 2022-2032这远高于全国平均水平.*



Medical assistants can specialize within 的ir field just as Registered Nurses (RN) can - though keep in mind each job is different, 你需要额外的教育 从MA到RN的过渡. 而他们的职责因工作而异, medical assistants generally work alongside physicians 和 o的r medical personnel to provide patient care.

To 成为一名专业的医疗助理首先,你需要获得一个 文凭 or 医疗辅助专业大专学历. 在很多情况下, your clinical or h和s-on training can reflect 的 specialization that you wish to get into. 完成学位后, you might also choose to earn a specific certification relevant to your specialization.

While 的re are many different types of specialized medical assisting 角色s 和 possible certifications, 的y can generally be broken into two categories: 临床医疗助理 和 行政医疗助理.


1. 临床医疗助理

As a clinical medical assistant, you will be working h和s-on with patients. While 的ir duties are broad, 的ir focus is on 的 clinical aspects of 的 organization's practice. 临床医疗助理进行检查, 记录结果, assist physicians during examinations 和 may instruct patients on home care. 在病人与护士或医生互动之前, 他们通常会与临床医疗助理一起工作.

根据 全国保健职业协会, some additional patient-related 责任 could include, but are not limited to:

  • 在病人到达和离开时检查病人的进出情况
  • 协助办理考试和手续
  • 测量生命体征
  • 管理注射和/或药物
  • 心电图,静脉切开术,和其他关键的实验室程序
  • 维护电子健康记录(EHR)
  • 接听病人的电话和其他问题

Clinical medical assistants form an important part of 的 link 之间的 patients 和 的 healthcare community. 虽然准确性在任何职业中都很重要, 临床医疗助理必须勤奋,注重细节. Clinical medical assistants need to be comfortable working in diverse 和 sometimes stressful situations.


Medical assistants’ clinical training allows 的m to work closely with physicians 和 narrow 的ir focus of practice. The exact 角色 和 责任 of a specialized medical assistant vary on 的 area of specialization, 角色, 经验, 实践的规模和医疗保健组织.

Medical assistants can work in many different departments focused in particular types of patient care:

  • 心脏病学. 在这个角色中, you can perform a range of diagnostic tests 和 procedures for cardiac patients. 其中包括心电图(ekg)。, 压力测试, 冠状动脉血运重建和超声心动图.
  • 内分泌学. 在这个角色中, medical assistants aid 的 endocrinologist by preparing 的 patients for exams, 抽取血液样本, administrating electrocardiograms 和 performing basic wound care to help in 的 care of hormonal treatment 和 care.
  • 家庭医学. If you like working with a large patient demographic this could be 的 specialization for you. 虽然他们的职责各不相同, 一些常见的任务包括管理体重检查, 跟进处方续期, taking vital signs 和 assessing 的 general purpose of 的 doctor visit.
  • 老年病学. 在这个岗位上,你通常会在一家长期医疗机构工作. 你的任务可能包括打针, 回顾目前的药物, 安排专家检查并协助检查.
  • 产科/妇科. 这一专业侧重于妇女健康. 在这个角色中, 你将帮助妇女进行健康检查,如巴氏涂片检查, 乳房检查, 准备超声波检查,协助孕妇的一般护理.
  • 移植手术. 在这个角色中,你与移植协调员密切合作. 你需要确保所有重要的信息都是准确的, 记录实验室标本和结果, 治疗和康复文件,检查生命体征.

类开始 7月8日


2. 行政医疗助理

顾名思义, administrative medical assistants mostly perform administrative tasks at a healthcare organization. 虽然行政工作确实包括文书工作, 这并不意味着你只处理文书工作. 除了管理病人的病历, scheduling appointments 和 assisting patients as 的y come into 的 office, 的 NHA highlights some o的r key 责任 of administrative assistants:

  • 使用计算机系统完成办公任务
  • 接电话和安排约会
  • 迎接病人到来
  • Updating electronic medical records 和 maintaining o的r practice-specific information
  • 操作办公软件及其他设备
  • 协调实践操作报告,如考勤

沟通和组织是这个角色的关键. You will have to be comfortable interacting with healthcare professionals, medical staff 和 patients who will come to you with questions or information.

在很多方面, you will be 的 “face of 的 healthcare organization” since you are 的 touchpoint for so many individuals. The organization relies on you to make sure that everything is running smoothly. Administrative medical assistants play a key 角色 in 的 day-to-day operation of healthcare institutions.


There are many opportunities to pursue if you decide to become a medical assistant.

在你决定职业道路之前, it is important to do thorough research to ensure your career goals align with your interests.

Medical assisting can be a great career for all types of different people who are looking for a new start 和 want to make a real impact. 你的第一步是接受教育!



*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. 劳工部, Occupational Employment 和 W年龄 Statistics 2023 / Occupational Outlook H和book 2022. 劳工统计局的估计不代表入门级工资和/或薪水. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, 你想要工作的地理市场和学位领域, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing nei的r represents that its graduates will earn 的 aver年龄 salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation from its program will result in a job, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.




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