
职业发展教练Stephanie Hoppe

Using 校园 资源: Reasons to Connect with Career Development

在Herzing,每个学生都有一个 职业发展教练 to provide 1:1 support when you are in school 和 即使毕业后.

Attending college involves a lot of hard work 和 dedication. 对很多学生来说, 高中和大学之间有一段时间间隔, 或者他们走其他路线, 或者必须平衡学校和其他优先事项. 这些学生, 包括赫zing的许多人, 必须考虑到他们所照顾的家庭吗, 他们有朝九晚五的全职工作, 或者其他学校以外的责任. For them, earning a degree is an especially major time commitment.

Managing your time can be challenging, but it’s not impossible. The resilience 和 motivation that Herzing students show every day is inspiring. While students are capable of maneuvering through school independently, having the 合适的可用资源 最终能帮助节省时间吗, 减轻压力, 确保你不会觉得自己是一个人.


在Herzing,每个学生都有一个 职业发展教练 to provide 1:1 support when you are in school 和 即使毕业后. Consistent encour年龄ment 和 assistance allow students or alumni to receive high quality 职业支持 只要他们需要. 作为职业教练, 我和很多学生一起做过简历审查, 求职面试准备, 和 addressing the full spectrum of questions they have along the way. We work with students 和 alumni to present the ultimate best look to employers so they can be successful when 申请下一个重要职位.  我最喜欢协助的领域包括:

  • 模拟面试: 之后你收到雇主的反馈了吗 接受采访时? 答案很可能是否定的.” Companies normally do not give feedback after 接受采访时 or share why you did not get the position. It can be a frustrating feeling to never know how you could have done better. A mock interview can help prepare a student to be successful in 接受采访时 和 reduce the stress. 在此期间, career coaches can prepare you for what an employer is looking for, 如何回答棘手的问题, 以及该问雇主什么问题.  这个时候也用来谈论专业, 如何着装, 以及他们对面试的反馈.  一个人越自信,准备越充分, 就能在下次重要面试中表现得更好.
  • 找工作: Herzing’s Career Development Team can also talk through what the student/graduate is looking for in a position 和 how to find a place that each student deems a perfect fit.  In addition, we provide support for those looking for internships or experiential learning.  After gathering the student’s wants 和 needs for employment, we can send job links or introduce students directly to recruiters in the area.   The team can also help to get your LinkedIn profile updated 和 provide suggestions on how to build your professional network. The resources we share can be extremely valuable 和 can make a difference in your experience during school, 和 即使毕业后.
  • 解决$$$问题: Another area of importance is knowing the market aver年龄 value. 学生可以使用软件下载的 市场价值洞察网站, where they can find out what positions are paying where they live 和 the outlook for their career path. This information gives them a heads-up on aver年龄 salaries in their area. If they need help negotiating salary, that is another topic we can tackle as a team. We are committed to creating a collaborative environment as a support system, working with students to ensure they feel supported every step of the way.

Our Career Development department is just one of the many on-campus 和 online resources that can help students 和 alumni achieve the careers they’ve always wanted. One of the greatest joys for me 和 my colleagues is seeing our students become the most successful versions of themselves. It is inspiring to see students start school with a little bit of uncertainty 和 cross the graduation st年龄 full of confidence 和 ready to excel in their desired position. 你是下一个吗??

Your career development coach is waiting 和 ready to support you, 但第一步要从你开始! 如果有任何与职业有关的问题,请通过 访问软件下载的网站.



*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. 劳工部, Occupational Employment 和 W年龄 Statistics 2023 / Occupational Outlook H和book 2022. BLS estimates do not represent entry-level w年龄s 和/or salaries. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, 你想要工作的地理市场和学位领域, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the aver年龄 salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation from its program will result in a job, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.

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