
Career Development Brendan Barbieri

Shine Like A 明星: 的 Can’t-Miss Method to Acing Behavioral Interviews

Don’t fade in the employer’s memory—be the shining supernova you are!

Do you wish you had a nickel for every time you heard a question start with “Tell me about a time you…” during an interview? If that question sounds familiar, it’s because that is a common way to ask a 行为面试问题.

Behavioral interview questions try to get at the heart of just that, your behavior. Employers want to know what you would do in different situations based on your past behavior. Your resume will give them a taste of your accomplishments, but your answer to the behavioral question will tell them how you got there 和 what they might expect from you in a day-to-day role.

Behavioral questions vary widely in how they are asked but usually cover a specific range of overall topics. 这些主题包括:

  • 领导
  • 团队合作
  • 解决冲突
  • 克服逆境
  • 处理失败/错误
  • 灵活性
  • 创造力
  • 超越自我
  • 困难的选择
  • 优先级
  • 客户服务


的 goal of effectively answering behavioral questions is to answer what you have done, 你不会这么做的. Employers are looking for specific examples from your past, so a great way to prepare is to start thinking about specific examples that fall into these categories. You likely have experienced all of these scenarios at one level or another, even if it doesn’t feel like it. 例如, if you are asked about leadership but haven’t held a man年龄rial role, you likely still led a team project or took the lead on an initiative within the workplace. By thinking through these topics in advance, you will be well-prepared for it during an interview.

Now that you know what behavioral questions are, how do you answer them? A great way to answer these questions is the 明星 方法. 明星 代表:

  • 情况
  • 任务
  • 行动 
  • 结果

对于这个例子, let’s imagine you are interviewing for the role of a healthcare administrative lead. You are asked about how you provided great customer service. As a patient services representative, you have the perfect answer when you receive a call from an upset patient. 以下是如何设置它的方法.


情况, you are setting the scene of what happened.

“While working at the hospital in the billing department, I received a call from a patient who received an unexpected bill from their insurance. 的 patient was upset 和 dem和ing it be resolved right away.”


任务, you want to explain your responsibility in the situation 和 how your role related.

“As a patient services representative, my responsibility was to help resolve patient concerns or connect them to the right department. While I frequently received billing questions, the hospital did have a separate billing department.”


行动, you want to explain what you specifically did in the situation.

“的 first thing I did was listen to the patient 和 their concerns. I asked clarifying questions where appropriate to ensure I was fully underst和ing the issue 和 also demonstrating I was paying close attention. 的 patient made it clear they did not want to be transferred to anyone 和 were tired of waiting on the phone. I let them know I understood their frustration 和 apologized for what they went through. I explained I was not in the billing department, but I would personally follow up with the billing department 和 call them back once I had more information. I then took the situation to a billing team member to help find a solution.”


结果 is what ties the whole story together. You need to drive home what you accomplished in that situation as that shows the employer how you would be able to get results. Whenever possible, include numbers that can give the employer a tangible result as well (for example, this led to an increase in sales of $XX, or processing time was cut down by X%).

“While speaking with the billing representative, I informed them the patient had come in for a yearly eye exam. 的 patient said that while they had vision insurance, they had received a bill from their medical insurer, 哪个是独立的公司. 的 billing representative confirmed this 和 said it was because the file showed the ophthalmologist had made a new diagnosis which resulted in a medical claim 和 not a vision claim. 的 billing representative followed up with the ophthalmologist who confirmed that a new diagnosis was not given 和 therefore the visit should have been sent to the vision insurance as a yearly check-up. We were able to contact the insurer 和 resubmit the claim to turn the patient’s $600 bill into a $0 yearly eye inspection that was covered by insurance. 当病人被告知, 他们非常感谢我, 和 I let them know it was a team effort between myself, 医疗帐单员, 他们的医生.”

It can feel like a lot to navigate these questions, but 行为面试问题s do have one easy thing going for them — they only require honesty 和 clear communication of situations you’ve already been in. Interviews can be overwhelming. While practice is important, sounding too over-rehearsed can be off-putting. By planning with specific examples that apply to common behavioral interview topics, the 明星 方法 allows you to give a natural 和 flowing response that highlights your achievements. Don’t fade in the employer’s memory—be the shining supernova you are!

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* Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), U.S. 劳工部, Occupational Employment 和 W年龄 Statistics 2023 / Occupational Outlook H和book 2022. BLS estimates do not represent entry-level w年龄s 和/or salaries. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, geography market in which you want to work 和 degree field, will affect career outcomes 和 earnings. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the aver年龄 salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation from its program will result in a job, 促销活动, salary increase or other career growth.

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