


While some stories 和 experiences may never grace the annals of any history book, that does not mitigate the importance of those narratives.


What family doesn’t have stories that they pass down from generation to generation? While these stories 和 experiences may never grace the annals of any history book, that does not mitigate the importance of these narratives.

多样性, 公平和包容专家特里·霍华德最近和家人一起庆祝她叔叔的100岁生日. 她98岁的阿姨借此机会分享了她在20世纪早期成长和生存的许多故事. 她谈到了私刑和抗议、家庭聚会、失望和庆祝. 她谈到了非裔美国人历史的一个重要部分,并强调了口述历史的极端重要性.

在她最近的 T.R.U.E. 和特里谈谈, “黑人历史月”,特丽·霍华德通过讲故事来关注黑人历史和黑人历史. 她邀请国会议员 G. K. 巴特菲尔德 to shed some light on this topic 和 the history related to African American oral history.

G. K. 巴特菲尔德 has an extensive history of serving the community. 在获得法律学位之后, 国会议员巴特菲尔德在威尔逊成立了一家律师事务所,并以该身份为社区服务了13年. 他最为人所知的是他成功地对投票权案件进行了诉讼,使整个北卡罗莱纳东部的非裔美国人当选为官员. In 1988, congressman 巴特菲尔德 was elected as president Superior Court judge 和 in this role, he presided over civil 和 Criminal Courts in 46 counties of North Carolina. 两年了, 他曾在北卡罗来纳州最高法院任职,并在任职15年后从司法部门退休. He was elected to serve the first district of North Carolina in the U. S. 他在2004年7月20日的特别选举中当选众议院议员,至今仍在众议院任职.


对许多人来说,跨代讲故事是很常见的,这就是口头传统的原因, Black History Month 和 the awareness it brings is something everyone can relate to.

“When I was in high school, I developed a growing interest in history.国会议员巴特菲尔德解释道, 那时我意识到, 我现在意识到, that so much of history is not recorded 和 there were many gaps in the recorded narrative.”

Terri Howard解释道, “知识的口头传递对文化的存在至关重要,也是延续了几个世纪的黑人传统的做法”.

Oral storytelling also carries with it rich African origins. 口述故事往往是一些历史叙事在不可能有能力或机会写故事的情况下幸存下来的唯一途径. 另外, 不幸的是, 历史往往是由征服者书写的, which means that many valuable stories are silenced by time. By continuing stories over generations by word of mouth, these stories are kept alive.

档案管理员和历史学家 认为口述历史可能有缺陷, 但口述历史访谈也可以帮助扩大历史记录,讲述那些被遗漏的人的故事. 另外, even written history cannot be 100% trusted. The true historian always approaches the historical narrative somewhat wary, so these oral traditions enhance our underst和ing of the world around us.


African 美国历史上 exists alongside all other historical records. 如果你把20世纪60年代或40年代甚至重建作为非裔美国人历史的开端, then you are not connecting the dots to its role in the larger narrative of history. You are isolating African Americans to specific geographic areas 和 chronological periods.

非裔美国人的文化史甚至在被奴役的非裔美国人到达詹姆斯敦之前就开始了 1619. Although they didn’t come of their own free will, they were not just victims. 他们是幸存者,为这个国家的建立做出了贡献,尽管软件下载可能不知道他们的名字.

The period from 1619 to 1865 was among the worst periods of 美国历史上 due to the treatment 和 enslavement of millions of African Americans. 在这段时间里,被奴役的非裔美国人通过直接为国家的经济成功和繁荣做出贡献而产生了无声的影响, 在某种程度上,软件下载直到最近才认识到他们在软件下载国家的历史中所发挥的不可思议的作用.

African 美国历史上 is more studied during the civil war period, 但即使奴隶在战后获得了自由, the plight of African Americans had only slightly changed. 那些人, women 和 children lacked even the most basic assets, 没有财产, 而且没有多少钱. 他们所拥有的一切都是对上帝的信仰,对国家的信仰,总有一天他们的生活将会得到改善, 和 families would be allowed to achieve the American dream.



Black History Month is a time to celebrate thanks to the forward-thinking 卡特·G. 伍德森. More than a century ago, 伍德森 sought to validate the achievements of Blacks. 他坚信,年轻的非裔美国人没有得到足够的关于他们传统的教育, 以及他们祖先的成就. This observation later transformed into a monthly celebration during February, but their history is something that shouldn’t be confined to a single month of the year.

“非裔美国人有着美丽而丰富的历史,就像彩虹上的光线一样多样而独特,霍华德雄辩地说. African Americans come from various ethnic origins from Africa, 加勒比海, 到拉丁美洲和世界各地. 这些群体中都有一些人克服了障碍,建设了这个国家,让它变得更好. 他们为正义挺身而出,为美国的许多第一次做出了贡献,比如帮助人类登上月球,制作了一部有电影情节的故事片 多数为黑人演员.

How can you promote diversity, not only in the historical record but in your community?

“我想鼓励你参与所有的历史和讲故事,因为这是软件下载传递历史的方式,巴特菲尔德议员指示道. “软件下载不会放弃! 软件下载将继续这场斗争!”

国会man 巴特菲尔德 stressed the importance that voting has. 公民有责任知道存在什么问题,并在各种类型的选举中相应地投票, 学校董事会, 市议会, 县委员会, 监事会, 州议员, 地方治安官, 市长, 州长, 国会, 把参议院交给总统!” One way you certainly can speak your truth is at the ballot box.

除了投票, 你可以通过写日记和保存你每天在家庭和社区看到的第一手资料来促进更多样化的叙述.

这是软件下载反思还有多少工作要做的许多机会中的一些. 马丁·路德·金.只有在人人平等之前,奥巴马的梦想以及成千上万的非裔美国人的梦想才能实现. It is worth all of us to continue the fight for justice!



*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. 劳工部, Occupational Employment 和 W年龄 Statistics 2023 / Occupational Outlook H和book 2022. BLS estimates do not represent entry-level w年龄s 和/or salaries. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, geography market in which you want to work 和 degree field, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing既不代表它的毕业生将获得劳工统计局计算的特定工作的平均工资,也不保证从它的幸运28计划毕业后就能找到工作, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.

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