


当护士从事自我护理时, 它允许衡量现实的结果, 促进一个健康的环境,不仅是身体上的, 精神上也是如此.

护理 is a challenging profession and a difficult field of work. 护士经常处理疼痛, trauma and suffering of their patients and yet can stay calm and empathetic under difficult circumstances.

However, it can be difficult to care for others if you don’t take care of yourself first. A wise adage goes, ‘to care for patients well, one must first care for themselves. Nurses need to take care of themselves first before taking care of others. That’s why promoting self-care is so vital in the lives of nurses. 练习自我保健 可以减少压力,改善情绪,提高工作表现.

当护士从事自我护理时, 它允许衡量现实的结果, 促进一个健康的环境,不仅是身体上的, 精神上也是如此.



做一些深呼吸练习. 根据 德克萨斯女子大学, deep breathing is an effective way to sneak in self-care during shifts. 身体的应激反应会帮助软件下载 面对和避免危险,但持续的压力是有害的. 它不仅会让人身体疲惫, 但它也会引起消化问题, 早衰等等.

呼吸练习 应对压力 通过减缓你的身体和心率. You can practice deep breathing by taking a deep breath through your nose. Hold it for a few seconds and then release the breath through your mouth. 重复这些步骤几分钟.

You can also incorporate other relaxation activities that include breathing exercises. 你可以做至少一个小时的按摩, 做一些艺术品来放松你的大脑, 听好听的音乐, 做瑜伽, 做正念冥想等等.


补水是自我保健必不可少的一部分. Drinking enough fluids is necessary to prevent episodes of 脱水. 许多迹象都表明你可能脱水了. 它们包括:

  • 混乱
  • 头晕或头昏
  • 口干
  • 极度口渴
  • 头疼
  • 哭的时候没有眼泪
  • 嗜睡或疲劳

Water makes up more than half of your body weight and you lose water each day. You lose water even faster when the weather is hot or very dry when you’re physically active and especially if you are not feeling well! Be sure to actively drink plenty of water to avoid becoming dehydrated. 根据 梅奥诊所, it is a good idea to drink an average of 8 glasses of water a day but understand this can vary based on factors such as exercise and environment.


你每晚必须保证8小时左右的睡眠. 定期喝一杯 良好的睡眠 尽量在每晚同一时间上床睡觉. 即使你不能马上入睡, get into the habit of getting into bed at a specific time and waking up at a specific time.

避免饮用 咖啡, eating chocolates, or any other type of stimulant before bedtime. Put your cellphone on silent mode or turn off your cellphone, 平板电脑, and TV before going to sleep to avoid any noise or light interruptions during your sleep.


Go to your regular check-ups with your healthcare providers. 锻炼身体,保持健康的饮食. 吃干净有营养的食物.

The CDC 建议每周锻炼75-150分钟, which can be divided up into smaller segments throughout the week. You can exercise by doing some low-intensity exercises throughout the week, 每周做一次有氧运动或者长时间散步.


软件下载已经谈到了身体健康, but vacations are good for your mental health as well— after all, 软件下载是人类. Even the most dedicated nurse needs to take a step back and relax. A vacation is a good way to restart and avoid burning yourself out.

We deserve to take breaks during our shifts, and we do deserve to take our vacation days. It doesn’t matter if you are super busy or feel like you can’t stop, 你也许该休息一下! 如果你筋疲力尽,你就不能帮助别人.


如果你有任何私人问题, 婚姻, 家族性, 精神上的, 情绪或精神健康问题, 不要犹豫,去寻求专业帮助. 如果你发现自己病了, you would go to the doctor so there is no shame in seeking out professional psychiatric help. Go see a professional mental health counselor, pastor, psychiatrist, or therapist. There’s nothing wrong with asking for professional help when needed.

作为护士, 你被训练去帮助别人, but you can’t be the best nurse you can be if you aren’t at your best. Use these steps to practice self-care and be willing to take a step back if you feel overwhelmed. 你的病人会感谢你的!



*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. 劳工部, Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics 2023 / Occupational Outlook Handbook 2022. BLS estimates do not represent entry-level wages and/or salaries. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, age, geography market in which you want to work and degree field, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the average salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation from its program will result in a job, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.

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