


Follow this step-by-step process to create a table in Excel.

Most students are familiar with the Microsoft Office Suite, 其中包括Word等应用程序, PowerPoint和Excel. Proficiency in all of these applications is essential to your success as a student 和 in your future career. This blog is part of a series about relatively easy ways you can get more out of Microsoft Office.

Excel is one of the most useful tools in the Microsoft Office Suite. People use Excel to store, organize 和 analyze data, as well as create customized charts 和 graphs. 具有数百种功能和样式, Excel is a powerful tool that can be used for a variety of personal, 专业和学术幸运28计划.

当人们想到Excel时, 他们可能会认为这是一种会计工具, 有很多复杂的公式和函数. Actually, most people use Excel to keep track of lists of data. 尽管这是Excel最常用的用法, there is an excellent feature for data tracking that often goes overlooked.

Entering in lists of data is a simple way to keep track of everything from small business expenses to the office Secret Santa exchange. 但 working with that data can be a pain if you don’t turn it into a table. 幸运的是,这很容易做到.

Follow this step-by-step process to create a table in Excel:

    • Highlight the entire list of rows 和 columns that contain your information. Don’t forget to include the labels at the top of each column.

    •  Go to Insert > Table

    • If you do have labels at the top of your columns (headers) make sure to select the box titled “My table has headers.”

    • 单击OK.


And that’s it--your list of data is now sortable 和 filterable! 查看一组特定的数据, just click the small arrow next to the column that you want to sort or filter. This function allows you to quickly find details about your data that you may not have otherwise noticed.

When you filter your data, Excel doesn’t delete lines (though it looks like it does). 而不是, it hides the rows that don’t match the filter so that you can see only the information you’re most interested in viewing. 但, 只要你把过滤器取下来, all those rows come right back 和 you are able to view your full list of data.


Excel是一个直观和用户友好的工具. 例如, 如果在表旁边添加一个新公式, Excel will assume that you want to apply that formula to other cells in the table. Excel will then automatically add the formula to the entire table, as appropriate. This saves you valuable time since you do not have to copy 和 paste the formula in each cell for the entire column.


You can also adjust the formatting of the entire table by going to the Table Design tab 和 choosing a color 和 font theme that fits your needs.


Excel is an easy to use 和 will help you keep track of just about anything, 从财务到梦幻足球, from grades to graduation—和 using 表 makes it even easier! Following these tips will help you get started on creating helpful tables at work, 在学校和家里.



*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. 劳工部, Occupational Employment 和 W年龄 Statistics 2023 / Occupational Outlook H和book 2022. BLS estimates do not represent entry-level w年龄s 和/or salaries. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, geography market in which you want to work 和 degree field, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the aver年龄 salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation from its program will result in a job, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.

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